CLRI - Left Border Colorado Literacy Research Initiative

Childrens Literacy Resources

Online Data and Publications


Annie E. Casey Foundation: KIDS COUNT Data Book Online
The powerful database on this site allows the user to generate custom graphs, ranked lists, maps, and state profiles of the benchmarks of children's status and well-being.

Child Care for Young Children: Demographics
Developed by the Child Care Bureau, these profiles address the types of child care arrangements.

Children's Literacy Resources
These resources are made available by the Colorado State Library in the Colorado Department of Education. The subjects range from book lists for multicultural groups to reading tips for parents. They can be downloaded and reproduced to give to others if credit is given to the Colorado State Library.

Colorado Kids Count
Data on demographics, families in need, child health, along with children's care and education are available for each county in Colorado and the state as a whole.


Administration for Children and Families
Child Care Bureau
This research provides information and data to guide child care services, inform policy debates, and assist in developing solutions to child care issues.

America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being
Annual Federal monitoring report on the status of the Nation's children includes literacy and children's education indicators.

CLIKS Online Data: County-City-Community Level Information on Kids
This website brings together data on the well-being of children collected by KIDS COUNT grantees from state and local sources. The unique system allows users to access state-specific inventories of data from local sources, such as health departments, human services agencies, and schools. The content of state pages is determined by a participating KIDS COUNT partner using data from local jurisdictions.

CYFERnet: Children, Youth, and Families Education and Research Network
Early Childhood Literacy and Language
CYFERnet provides "practical research-based information from the nation's leading universities". This page offers access to links for resources and full-text documents on the subjects of choosing children's books, early literacy skill-building, enhancing language skills, learning a second language, and literacy research.

Family-Child Engagement in Literacy Activities
This section of the Trends in Well-Being of America's Children and Youth 2001 report by the Office of Human  Services Policy documents differences in literacy activities by race, socioeconomic status, family structure, and mother's employment status (.pdf format).

The Future of Children
The Future of Children is a publication of The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and The Brookings Institution. Its primary purpose is to promote effective policies and programs for children by providing policymakers, service providers, and the media with timely, objective information based on the best available research.

High-Quality Preschool Program Found to Improve Adult Status
Research examining and comparing the effectiveness of educational programs and other links of interest concerning High/Scope's research and projects.

KIDS COUNT Census Data Online
This site consists of population data about age, gender, households, families, and housing units from the Census Short Form (Census SF1) and social, economic, and housing data from the Census Long Form (Census SF3).

The Knowledge Loom: Elementary Literacy
Investigate best practices, success stories, and supporting research on K-6 reading, writing, speaking & listening instruction; National Reading Panel & International Reading Association recommendations; and school-wide literacy initiatives.

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
Includes national and state-by-state results by subject and grade. Also includes results over time, summary data tables, and special interest reports.

National Institute on Early Childhood Development and Education (ECI)
Documents include newsletters, Early Childhood Digests, books, and  booklets focusing on early childhood research, development, and literacy.

ReadyWeb is an electronic collection of resources on school readiness sponsored by the Early Childhood and Parenting (ECAP) Collaborative, College of Education, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It provides a Virtual Library of full-text documents, a pathfinder to online resources, and bibliographies of documents from journals.

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Last updated: 05/22/2008