CLRI - Left Border Colorado Literacy Research Initiative

Family Literacy Resources

Selected Full-text Documents

America's Children (2002)
The America's Children report monitors the status of children in the United States and contains information on population and family characteristics and education as well as other topics. This page also provides access to the reports from 1997-2001.

Better Education is Everybody's Business (July 2002)
This is a presentation by the Partnership for Family Involvement in Education about the impact of involving parents in their children’s education and ideas on how to encourage involvement.

A Call to Commitment: Fathers' Involvement in Children's Learning (June 2000)
New research shows that the involvement of both mother and father is important for children's educational success. Given this finding, together with the lack of previous work on expanding fathers' involvement, this report describes new opportunities in this area.

A Decade of Family Literacy: Programs, Outcomes, and the Future
Information Series No. 389 by Nancy Padak, Connie Sapin, and Dianna Baycich
This paper reviews and synthesizes reports about family literacy programs and practices, focusing on outcomes for adult learners. The emphasis is on resources available in the ERIC database from 1990 to the present.

Family Literacy: A Strategy for Educational Improvement (Nov 2002)
This Issue Brief prepared for the National Governor's Association Center for Best Practices describes family literacy and innovative state approaches to family literacy.

Family Literacy: Who Benefits? (April 2003)
A brief document coming from the Ohio Literacy Resource Center and Kent State University commenting on the effectiveness of family literacy programs.

Family Literacy Programs: Better Education is Everybody's Business
This is a presentation by the Partnership for Family Involvement in Education about the impact of involving parents in their children’s education and ideas on how to encourage involvement.

Family Literacy Resource Notebook
This guide to all kinds of resources available to establish and improve family literacy resource programs is available from the Ohio Literacy Resource Center.

Family Literacy: Respecting Family Ways (1998)
ERIC Digest no. 203 by Bettina Lankard Brown
This Digest discusses the family as a preferred place of literacy development and highlights family literacy initiatives that reflect respect for the family as a site of learning.

National Evaluation of The Even Start Family Literacy Program 1994-1997 Final Report (1998)
The Even Start Family Literacy Program addresses the basic educational needs of parents and children of low-income families. This national program was designed to provide adult, parenting, and early childhood education as integrated services to families. Even Start offers (1) adult basic or secondary education and literacy programs for parents; (2) parenting education to assist parents in actively and effectively promoting their children's development; and (3) early childhood education for the children.

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Colorado Department of Education   CDE Adult Education and Family Literacy (AEFL)
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Last updated: 12/03/2007